Archive for Feature
The aviation sector in Malta has great potential to continue growing
Malta has a long and successful history in the maritime sector. The strategy of governments over the years was to replicate this success in the aviation sector through legal initiatives…
Five things you should know if you work
It’s still summer and you should really be out at the beach instead of working. Time is passing so slow that you’re unsure if you developed a new ability to…
The UĦM signs new sectoral agreement for carers working in the health sector under protest
The UĦM Voice of the Workers, under protest and without prejudice, signed a collective agreement for workers in the caring sector who work at hospitals and elderly people’s homes around…
Domestic violence strips away human dignity
Home, for many people, is a refuge where they can feel safe and free to be themselves. It is a place where our private lives are sacred and where the state has no…
Urgent need for social housing audit
“It is high time that there is a serious audit of current social housing”. These were Albert Buttigieg, ex Executive Director of the Housing Authority’s words during an interview by Voice…
Let us simplify our lives
Have you ever thought about simplifying your lives? “Simple” does not mean easy. Some of the simplest things are sometimes the hardest things to do. While researching this article, I made…
Health and safety at the workplace: why are youths at risk?
Job markets are hard for young people who are looking for work. Many feel the pressure to accept the first job they are offered, sometimes without considering whether the working…
The beauty and the importance of the trees around us
A controversy erupted recently about the uprooting of a number of trees in numerous locations in Malta to make way for infrastructural projects and widen roads. Environmentalists, ngo representatives and members…
They banished the pastizzi from Mater Dei!
It was some weeks ago that on every newspaper, newsportal and social media platform people were commending the fact that pastizzi were banished from Mater Dei! Not only!! Even cakes were removed. This is…
Why is the World Cup important?
A neighbour of mine asked me this question … but why? Why do you spend so much time watching sweaty men run after a ball? He cannot understand it…