Archive for Feature
The rush to ease restrictions could jeopardise everything
Spring is at its element but this time of year is being impacted by a serious reality. No one knows for sure when life will go back to quasi normal…
How does an individual or a family end up being overwhelmed by social problems?
The circumstances that lead to social problems in our country are various. If there is unemployment and, therefore, lack of money, this will lead to other problems for the person concerned. One can…
The role of technology in the spread of COVID 19
We are currently living one of the biggest and most rapid organisational transformations in history as governments, businesses and other entities turn to the internet to lessen the chaos caused…
Why not encourage cycling during these times of crisis?
This is a pertinent question for those who are still travelling to work, to go shopping for food or to visit vulnerable persons. How can one travel from one place…
Looking for a new job? … apply for the post of Police Commissioner, anyone can
The process to appoint a new commissioner of Police has been initiated – a crucial post in terms of keeping the peace and maintaining the rule of law. However, the criteria…
Let us laugh and joke … in spite of the Coronavirus!
A virus has hit us and it is serious. The Coronavirus is controlling us. It is highly contagious and it is even threatening people’s livelihood and lives. But does…
The contractor’s employees should be treated the same as Government employees
We often refer to them as the contractor’s carers, a category of workers who, in some people’s eyes, rate lower than the carers employed by Government. These contractor’s carers…
Greeting in the time of the Coronavirus
In order to lessen the risk of becoming infected with the Coronavirus, people around the world are changing the way they greet one another. Handshaking is one of the…
The link between Coronavirus and the climate
Economists and scientists in Finland and the United States have found that the Coronavirus has cut down greenhouse emissions at a much faster rate than years of negotiations on…