Archive for Issue 312
National authorities should do more to raise awareness of EU action
“Information and communication are crucial in tackling the current health and economic crisis brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic”, stated European Parliament Vice-Presidents, Othmar Karas (AT, EPP) and Katarina…
EU funding opportunities for job shadowing and work placements
The Erasmus+ funding programme is the EU’s main funding instrument for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. This programme offers many opportunities in the fields of…
Bid-deċiżjoni tal-Gvern il-vulnerabbli se jibqgħu vulnerabbli
Wara li l-Gvern iddeċieda biex il-ħaddiema jmorru lura għax-xogħol mill-5 ta’ Ġunju, għax skontu qed nirritornaw għan-normal, mhux kulħadd jista’ jagħmel dan speċjalment min huwa vulnerabbli. Voice of the Workers…
Whoever is a Christian and ill-wishes others is a hypocrite
During the Coronovirus outbreak, we witnessed a time of unity and this was a beautiful moment for the country. Gradually, the sentiment amongst segments of the population started to…