Archive for Feature
“I closed shop because I lost all motivation” – Engineer Marco Cremona
By Hermann Micallef An ambitious water recycling project, which is not only feasible but also needed in Malta, was cold shouldered by the Public Health authorities without a concrete and valid reason being given. In an interview with Voice…
“Malta’s interests are a priority” – MEP Miriam Dalli
By Hermann Micallef “My priority is to ensure that my country’s interests are safeguarded in all fora”. This is what Labour MP Miriam Dalli insisted upon in the…
Need for more women in high positions
By Hermann Micallef “We need to ensure that more women have access to jobs in high places, in positions where decisions are made.” These were the words of…
Youths need to learn how to live in a society
“The youth of today need to learn how to live in society and how democracy works in real life. Secondary education should not be limited to Mathematics, English, Maltese,…
“Take care of your beloved elderly relatives and visit them often!”
“Take care of your elderly relatives … visit them often and do not abandon them”. This was an emotional appeal made by a carer, who wished to remain anonymous,…
Be professional at work!
Professionalism is defined as a person’s conduct at the workplace. Despite the word itself, this quality is not restricted to what we describe as "the professions," which are typically…
The unions are key players in the strengthening of data protection
Trade unions are among those organisations that wish to regularise policies regarding the protection of data before the General Protection of Data Regulation (GPDR) comes into effect around the…
The benefits of diversity at the workplace
What comes to mind when you think of diversity? The first factors that pop into people’s minds are age, gender, race and cultural background. There are more ways to…
Workplace friendships: good or bad?
Few would argue that true friendship has the power to enrich our lives. But what role should friendship play in the workplace? Is it smarter to keep your personal…
Do you want to overcome apathy at work?
We need to work. There is no argument there. Most of us spend long periods of time ticking off a series of things we have to do to generate…