Archive for EP News
Posting of workers: MEPs and Council strike a deal on pay and working conditions
Workers sent temporarily to another EU country would from now on get equal pay for equal work in the same place, under a provisional deal between MEPs and EU…
EU must help safeguard media independence
EU member states should “create and maintain, in law and in practice, a safe and secure environment for journalists”, Civil Liberties MEPs said. The non-legislative resolution drafted by Barbara Spinelli…
Saving lives: eCall mandatory in new car models
Reducing road deaths and the consequences of injuries have long been one of the European Parliament’s priorities. MEPs passed the eCall deployment legislation on 28 April 2015. As of 31 March…
Funding Europe’s future: EU’s post-2020 budget must match policy goals
MEPs have set out their position on the next long-term EU budget, which should finance new priorities as well as make up for any shortfall caused by Brexit. The…
MEPs back plans to boost recycling and cut landfilling
Waste and packaging waste By 2025, at least 55% of municipal waste (from households and businesses) should be recycled. The target will rise to 60% by 2030 and 65%…
Brexit: Parliament to set out its vision for future EU-UK relations
An association agreement between the EU and the UK could provide an appropriate framework for the future relationship, says a draft resolution endorsed by the Conference of Presidents (EP…
New EU corporate tax plan, embracing “digital presence”, approved in committee
Firms would be taxed where they earn their profits under new proposals for a harmonised corporate tax system which also considers their online activities to calculate their tax. The planned “Common…
Consumer protection: EU-wide rules for those sold a defective product
MEPs approved a single set of rules to ensure consumers buying online or face-to-face in a local shop obtain the remedies they are entitled to if they purchase…
MEPs pass law to cut CO2 emissions and fund low-carbon innovation
A law to strengthen EU curbs on CO2 emissions from industry, so as to begin delivering on Paris climate accord pledges, was passed by Parliament on Tuesday. The new…
Parliament calls for thorough assessment of bi-annual time change
Citizens’ initiatives have shown that the public is concerned about the bi-annual clock change marking the beginning and end of summertime, which currently takes place the last weekend in…