Maltese youths are not content with simply making their voice heard; they expect action to be taken on the basis of what they say. Many discussions are held during activities organised by the National Youth Council on a range of issues that concern them directly, including property prices and the education they are receiving today and how this is going to prepare them for the work they will be doing 20 years from now. 

We have to admit that education in Malta is not reflecting the jobs that youths will have in the future. The competent authorities and interested parties need to focus, on green jobs, for example – jobs in agriculture, manufacture, research and development, administrative affairs and services – that contribute substantially to maintain or enhance environmental quality. Youths need to be educated in this field so that they can grow and develop the sector in the future. 

The same can be said for the blue economy, that is, the sustainable use of the resources of the sea for economic growth, and the jobs that aim to maintain the health of the sea’s ecosystem. How many Maltese youths are there who are specialised in this sector? Every young man and woman who wants to specialise in this subject needs to go and live abroad to study and find a job in the field. 

Naraw ħafna Maltin li qed jiksbu suċċess personali u fl-istess ħin qed jagħmlu isem tajjeb lil art twelidhom. L-isfida hi li r-riżorsa tal-imħuħ tiġi lura Malta biex tikkontribwixxi fl-avvanzi tal-pajjiż. Hija ġustifikata li żagħżugħ jitlaq minn Malta biex isib xogħol u għixien aħjar 

We see many Maltese people who are making a success of themselves and at the same time making a good name for their home country.  The challenge is to bring this brain resources back to Malta to contribute to the country’s development. Is it  

Sadattant, iż-żgħażagħ Maltin qed  jissoktaw isemmgħu leħinhom u l-ideat  tagħhom qed ikunu mismugħa. Meta tissawwar politika miż-żgħażagħ din ma titħalliex fuq il-karta imma tiġi aċċettata. Fix-xhur li għaddew, kien l-istess Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ li ġabar 33 firma minn għaqdiet taż-żgħażagħ u eventwalment saret  ħidma mal-membri parlamentari miż-żewġ naħat tal-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti biex Malta sejħet stat ta’ emerġenza fejn tidħol il-bidla fil-klima. Il-mazz issa jinsab f’idejn il-Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ biex jara li din id-dikjarazzjoni tiġi implimentata. 

Barra minn hekk, matul is-sena li għaddiet, il-Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ ħadem fuq proġett dwar is-saħħa mentali u kien grazzi għall-istess żgħażagħ li ssuġġerew li  jkun  hemm klinika għas-saħħa mentali fit-Tramuntana ta’ Malta – idea li spiċċat bħala miżura tal-budget għal din is-sena. Issa jmiss l-implimentazzjoni tagħha.