Archive for Feature
Mental health issues do not disappear with age
After years of treating mental health as a taboo subject, mental health issues are finally being given the attention they deserve and are being discussed openly and predominantly on the media. …
The traffic problem is getting worse
Traffic is getting steadily worse in Malta. The number of vehicles on our roads continues to increase beyond the infrastructure’s increasing capacity and we are experiencing congestion on our roads.…
Working from home: solitude or a more balanced life?
More and more people are working from home, attracted by the flexibility, the efficiency and the fact that they do not have to commute. Private companies and some Government…
Addressing skills gaps
It is no secret that employers today are struggling to find people with the right skills to employ. The rapid changes in technology are making workers’ skills obsolete more quickly…
The EU immigration policy is grist to the mill of the far right.
The latest attempt of the European internal affairs ministers to come to an agreement on a common policy on immigration ahead of the European Parliament elections has failed miserably. Seven different white papers…
We need to promote education based on life skills
In a world that is increasingly run by technology and information the emphasis on education is justifiably turning to science, technology, engineering and mathematics – subjects that prepare students for…
We need to protect this generation from the grip of the virtual world
Adolescence is a stage in life which requires the individual to make a number of choices. The internet and social media are adding new pressures that did not exist until a few years…
Addressing food waste
A report published by a group of American researchers stated that by 2030, the level of food waste will have reached more than two billion tons of food per year. Food…
How are we raising our children?
It seems that each generation thinks that the younger generation is mollycoddled and lacking manners and values. What is happening to the current generation? I do not wish to generalise…
Innovation for a better future
Innovation involves the actual implementation of new ideas or technology to add value in a way that is fundamentally different than has been done in the past. In the ongoing effort to overcome the…