Archive for Feature
One in seven had their grievance upheld by the Ombudsman
In 2024, one in every seven aggrieved parties who sought redress before the Office of the Ombudsman had their case upheld, while one in every five had their case resolved…
Survey aims to gauge household spending power
An important survey gauging the spending power of Maltese households which will also impact the cost of living adjustment (COLA) has been launched. The 2024 Household Budgetary Survey, as it…
Budget 2025: UHM meets the Prime Minister
The proposal for mandatory union membership for low-income workers, social dialogue, as well as the need for a demographic strategy for the coming years, were on the agenda of a…
Budget 2025: The UHM Voice of the Workers proposals
Download the document with all the proposal by clicking here.
Seven-fold increase in foreigners since 2012
The radical demographical changes of the Maltese Islands during the last decade characterised by a large influx of foreign workers, have been fully exposed in a recent report by the…
Energy and fuel subsidies to remain in place
Malta has successfully lobbied with Brussels to keep the controversial fuel and energy subsidies in place as long as it keeps public finances within EU parameters. Finance Minister Clyde Caruana…
Basket of essential items rose by up to 80% since 2020
A basket of basic essential items for a family of four has shot up by 37% in just four years, according to a study by Caritas. The spike was even…
€20.8 million defrauded in two years through online scams
Unsolicited SMSs, emails or WhatsApp messages requesting sensitive information such as logins and passwords for online banking platforms should never be answered, even if they seem 100% genuine. The warning…
New water production below 2021 target
New water production in the last two years has reached million cubic metres annually, which is less than a third of the projection made by the Water Service Corporation a…
Malta’s fleet of passenger cars getting ‘older’
Despite incentives to modernise Malta’s fleet of cars to reduce emissions, it turns out that over the last four years the average age of passenger vehicles increased. While in 2019…