Archive for EP News
Greek-Turkish border: MEPs reject Turkey’s pressure and demand common asylum rules
According to several MEPs, the EU must help Greece manage its border with Turkey, while ensuring the right to asylum for those who need it. In a debate with…
Annual singing contest cancelled as virus spreads
Eurovision fans are disappointed due to the cancellation of this year’s edition. For decades fans have tuned into BBC One to watch performers from across Europe sing their hearts…
Positive from EUCO: Europe shows it is united and ready to act
Statement by the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli “Europe is correcting the selfishness and lack of coordination between national governments in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.…
MEPs stress that Parliament will only give its consent to a budget that meets the EU’s ambitions
Talking about the budget means talking about the EU’s future, MEPs said in a key plenary debate with Nikolina Brnjac, Croatian State Secretary for Foreign and European Affairs, representing…
Stop illegal trade in cats and dogs
To protect animal welfare, pet owners and public health, MEPs call for an EU Action Plan to end illegal trade in companion animals. With 607 votes for, 3 votes against…
Difetti fil-karozzi second-hand fil-ftehim ambjentali tal-UE
Tkabbir ekonomiku stabbli u mobbiltà dejjem tikber ittejjeb suq Ewropew dinamiku tal-karozzi, b’akkwisti ġodda abbundanti, żvilupp tekniku kontinwu u ċirkolazzjoni kbira ħafna ta’ karozzi wżati. Is-suq tal-karozzi jaġixxi b’ħeġġa mal-leġislazzjoni…
Dual quality of products
In recent years, the concern that some branded products might be inferior in the Member States that have joined the European Union (EU) since 2004 has become ever more…
Thousands apply for EU border guard posts
The EU border agency, Frontex's recruitment drive launched last October to fill 700 new border guard positions has attracted a massive number of applicants from across southern and central EU states. …
Creative Europe programme 2021-2027
Having considered the possibility of merging the Creative Europe programme with other programmes supporting European values, rights and justice, the European Commission has decided to continue the Creative Europe programme as a stand-alone programme, increasing its…
Access to cultural life for people with disabilities
Despite the additional barriers they face, artists with disabilities make a creative contribution to cultural life. People with disabilities should also have equal access to works of art and…