As Europeans, it is important that we actively take part in the discussions that help shape the EU. 

Within this context, the Europe for Citizens Programme 2014-2020 aims to get the EU’s inhabitants to play a greater part in the development of the Union. By funding schemes and activities in which citizens can participate, this programme promotes Europe’s shared history and values, and seeks to foster a sense of ownership for how the Union develops. 

The programme is implemented through two strands. The first strand funds European remembrance activities that raise awareness of the EU’s common history and values. The second strand supports democratic engagement and civic participation. 

One of the measures supported by the second strand is the Civil Society Projects. Under this measure, projects have to gather citizens from different horizons, in activities directly linked to Union policies, with a view to give them an opportunity to actively participate in the Union policy-making process in areas related to the objectives of the programme. Through such project, participants can reflect and debate on European-related issues, and propose practical solutions at EU levelSuch projects also ensure a concrete link with the policy making process.  

In addition, a Civil Society Project must include at least two of the following types of activities: (i) promotion of societal engagement and solidarity, (ii) gathering of opinions, and (iii) volunteering. 

The next deadline to apply for a Civil Society Project  is the 2nd of September 2019 – in which case selected projects may then commence between the 1st of March and the 31st of August 2020.