UĦM Voice of the Workers is endeavouring to increase women’s participation at the highest levels of society, including at social partner level where important decisions are taken which impact families’ livelihoods.

Evidence of such effort is the increase in the number of women within the union’s structures including at management level. At present one of the three assistant directors at UĦM is a woman, while there are two female managers. Between them they cover public entities including Government agencies, the private sector including companies working with Wasteserv, education and the social sectors.

Thanks to their determination, skills and perseverance these women succeeded despite the lingering stereotypes which might persist in certain quarters.

UĦM has always encouraged and educated workers in favour of having equal representation on workplace committees. Whenever negotiating a collective agreement UĦM makes no distinction between the gender of its members as they all enjoy the same rights and conditions.

“Women do not need others feel sorry for them as they have the potential to succeed. They just want to have the same level of opportunity as men rather than be treated different,” UĦM assistant director Isabelle Farrugia said.

Antoinette Aquilina, employment manager at UĦM, added that women should play a role in the decision-making process and should be represented at all levels.

UĦM Chief Executive Josef Vella said the union would keep doing its utmost in order to lead by example.

“We are planning to have more women in positions of responsibility within the union in order to fulfil our mission in the best possible way while practicing the principles which we stand for, that is against any form of discrimination between men and women.”