Archive for Ħarġa 370
The Social Impact of COVID-19
The Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review recently published by the European Commission shows that the social impact of the COVID-19 crisis has been uneven and diverse in…
Introducing My ĠEMMA Inflation Purchasing Power Calculator
It-tim ĠEMMA tella’ kalkulatur ġdid – “Il-Kalkulatur tal-Kapaċità tal-Akkwist bl-Inflazzjoni”. IL-KALKULATUR TA’ ĠEMMA BILLI TIKKLIKKJA HAWN Il-prezzijiet għandhom mod kif jiżdiedu minn sena għal sena, għalhekk ħafna mill-prodotti u s-servizzi…
Financial Arbiter calls on banks not to inundate clients with ‘unnecessary bureaucracy’
The Arbiter for Financial Services has expressed concern that banks and regulatory watchdogs are burdening their clients with excessive red tape in a bid to enforce anti-money laundering regulations. In…
Conference on the Future of Europe: greater say for regions and social partners
The Executive Board agreed to allocate more seats in the Conference Plenary to regional and local elected representatives, as well as to social partners. The sixth meeting of the Conference’s…
Reading the signs of the times
It is an open secret that the Maltese are, generally, not a reading nation. The advent of television and subsequently social media only served to make the situation worse. Such…