Archive for Issue 255
Parliament updates EU rules to better protect workers from cancer-causing chemicals
MEPs adopted a new law adding exposure limit values for five chemicals harmful to workers’ health. MEPs adopted the text agreed with EU Ministers by wide majority by 586 votes to 10…
15 years of Malta’s EU accession
May 1, 2019 marks the 15 year anniversary of Malta’s EU accession. Needless to say that during this time, EU accession visibly and tangibly changed Malta in a variety of ways, including in…
The traffic problem is getting worse
Traffic is getting steadily worse in Malta. The number of vehicles on our roads continues to increase beyond the infrastructure’s increasing capacity and we are experiencing congestion on our roads.…
We need to strengthen our moral fibre
In spite of advances in various sectors that the country has seen in the last few years, Maltese society is lacking moral fibre. What is being done to strengthen our moral…