Free Streaming Sites Scams
The rapid increase in subscribers of streaming services such as Netflix and Disney+ has rendered the streaming market an attractive target to scammers.
Download the ĠEMMA Little Black Books on Frauds and Scams by clicking here.
Download by clicking here an Infographic on tips to follow to protect yourself from Free Streaming Sites. This Infographic is prepared by our partner the e-Skills Malta Foundation
And so… you are browsing the internet and you come across a streaming platform. It looks just like other major streaming platforms, even if the web address and logo look a little different from Netflix or Disney+. It says you can stream all the latest shows and films, and even offers a free five-day trial.
What could go wrong? Right? Wrong! You sign up, only to find no videos are loaded and you have a hefty bill in your email inbox! You have been scammed! Scam streaming platforms typically advertise a five-day free trial to watch movies and series. To register, you will be asked to provide an email address and telephone number, as well as your home address. Some scammers will ask for your credit details as well.
By using similar branding, visuals, pop-ups and messaging to legitimate streaming sites, scammers can trick you. Whilst looking for a good deal you are lured to a fake streaming platform. During your visit to the site, you will not receive any indication that a payable subscription is needed. You subscribe, but once you subscribe, and you return to the main page, you will find that you cannot stream any movies … yet you will promptly receive an email invoicing you for the cost of an annual subscription.
Read the ĠEMMA tips on free streaming sites frauds. As always we thank the e-Skills Malta Foundation for the Infographic and their contribution to the ĠEMMA tips.
If you believe that you have uncovered a scam or was the target or victim of one, ĠEMMA advises you to report this. Do not let the scammer get away with it. Remember that there are vulnerable people who may not have the knowledge you have and may be at a high risk of being scammed unless the scam is stopped. Report the scam to you bank and the Cyber Crime Unit at the Malta Police Force – the details of which are:
Telephone: 356 2294 2231/2
In person: Call or visit any Police District station and lodge a report. The District Police Officer will request the assistance of a member from the Cyber Crime Unit as required.
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