Shifting towards a low carbon economy through EU Funds

Through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for Malta, Priority Axis 4 – Shifting towards a low-carbon economy, the Planning and Priorities Coordination Division has made EU funding available for investments supporting energy efficiency in public infrastructure and public buildings. Such investments may include actions involving the installation of energy efficient windows and doors combined with interventions which generate a limited amount of renewable energy, such as the installation of photovoltaic panels.
This call stems from Malta’s need to shift towards energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources under its Europe 2020 targets. Eligible entities which can apply under this call are limited to Public Sector entities, Ministries and Government Departments. There is no capping for projects submitted under this call and the EU co-financing rate is 80% for non-revenue generating projects.
The deadline for submissions of applications is May 3, 2021 at noon. For information on the ERDF or any other matter related to the EU, kindly contact Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta – SEM on 2200 3300 or