Undeclared work does not pay

In September 2020, the European Platform tackling undeclared work together with the European Labour Authority finalised the first ever campaign for declared work entitled #EU4FairWork. This campaign that has been launched in March 2020.
A wide range of events took place during a whole week during which attendees who participated virtually were treated to a number of activities which brought to light one clear message: undeclared work does not pay – it’s time to make the transition.
The campaign, held mostly on social media, aimed to raise awareness amongst workers about their respective rights, the underlying impact of a negative nature that undeclared work has and more importantly, how should workers make the transition to declared work.
Other activities clarified certain grey areas in the field of undeclared work for companies, also making them aware of their (the company’s) obligations to ultimately declare workers.
On the other hand, from a legislative point of view, policymakers were encouraged to better tackle undeclared work through policies that are ultimately effective.
In a historic first, enforcement authorities from some EU Member States, conducted a first of its kind pilot cross-border concerted inspection.