Promoting Improved Social Dialogue in Malta
Effective social dialogue structures and processes can lead to the resolution of important economic and social issues, advance social and industrial peace and stability and boost economic progress among others.
SEM contributes to social dialogue in Malta by informing and engaging social partners, civil society organisations, public and private organisations on the EU’s policy and legislative proposals, to encourage their feedback to the relevant authorities.
Agency officials also participate in meetings of the social partners and civil society representatives at the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development to provide in-depth updates of the long-term strategies and legislative proposals of the EU.
In view of this, SEM is currently implementing a project entitled Promoting Improved Social Dialogue in Malta through which the Agency will organise an online meeting with three Norwegian social partners to gain practical knowledge on the Norwegian model of tripartite dialogue and publish a report which outlines the current situation of social dialogue in both countries (Malta and Norway) and provide recommendations to improve social dialogue in Malta.
This project is supported by Norway through the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work”.
For more information about this project kindly contact SEM on or 22003300.