Europe Direct Valletta (May 2021 – December 2025)

Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM) has been entrusted by the European Commission to host and manage Europe Direct Valletta information centre for the period May 2021 – December 2025.
Europe Direct Valletta joins two other Europe Direct Centres, one in Malta and one in Gozo, and over 400 other centres across the European Union. The mission of the Europe Direct centres is to disseminate information and assist European citizens in EU related matters.
In the coming years Europe Direct Valletta will build on the reputation it has gained in running the centre between January 2018 and April 2021. Indeed, since 2018, the centre has been a veritable source of information on the EU, its policies and programmes, including EU funds.
Europe Direct seeks to reach all sections of the population, from children to teens to adults and senior citizens in various fields, such as the environment, education, health, jobs and business.
Europe Direct Valletta’s strategic plan will be launched on May 4 at noon, during a press conference by the Minister at the Office of the Prime Minister, Carmelo Abela and SEM Chief Executive Officer, Mandy Falzon.
The launch will be livestreamed on SEM’s Facebook page,