COVID-19: Adapting workplaces and protecting workers

Work, just like any other sphere of life, has been severely affected by the pandemic. Employers and workers had to implement new procedures and practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the workplace. While vaccination will in time lead to the relaxation of measures, it is not clear to what extent, or when, ‘normal’ work activities will resume.
The Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OSHA) of the EU has just released a revision of a guidance that was published last year to offer practical support for adapting work to the new circumstances and contributes to suppressing transmission of the virus.
The document includes examples of measures, which can help employers achieve an appropriate safe and healthy work environment when undertaking or resuming activities.
The nature and extent of the measures range from restrictions on movement and suspension of non-essential activities, to limits on the number of persons occupying a space, banning of certain activities, and obligation to follow individual hygiene measures.
Their application may differ according to the evolution of the pandemic, the sector, occupation or a health-related characteristic of the individual.