Archive for Editorial
Our vote on June 8
As we approach the European and local council elections on June 8, we are reminded of the fundamental democratic right to vote - a right that many fought hard to…
Malta’s tangentopoli unfolding
The Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH) scandal, now under intense scrutiny through the Vitals Inquiry, has drawn parallels with Italy’s infamous Tangentopoli scandal of the early 1990s, and the comparison is…
A healthcare infrastructure in dire straits
Years of neglect, misguided decisions, and failed promises have left our nation's healthcare infrastructure in a dire state. The disastrous concession agreement signed with Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH) stands as…
Justice must be allowed to prevail
The recent revelations surrounding the magisterial inquiry into the hospital concession to Vitals and Steward have once again thrust into the spotlight one of the most infamous instances of mismanagement…
Elections do not absolve criminal conduct
In the lead-up to the June 8 MEP and local council elections in Malta, it is crucial to delve deeper into the essence of democracy and the responsibilities it entails.…
20 years of EU membership: Achievements and inequalities
As Malta commemorates 20 years of EU accession, it is time to reflect on the journey travelled and the path forward. Two decades ago, Malta made a historic decision to…
Construction fatalities: Malta’s persistent tragedy
Once again, we find ourselves mourning a tragic loss in Malta’s construction industry. The recent death of a 51-year-old Albanian man due to a roof collapse serves as a stark…
A reflection on Eurobarometer findings
In recent months, the collective sentiment in Malta has been marred by a persistent sense of disquiet regarding the nation's trajectory. The latest Eurobarometer survey, encompassing the views of 506…
Perils of cheap labour
A recent Eurostat report said that workers in Malta earn € per hour before taxes which is less than half the EU-wide average. Moreover, a KPMG report had found that…
Stuck in limbo: Malta’s elusive constitutional reform
As Malta commemorates half a century of its republican status, it finds itself in a frustratingly stagnant state regarding constitutional reform. Despite years of rhetoric and sporadic initiatives, concrete action…