Archive for Editorial
Have we bottled it?
The Bottle Collection Recycling Scheme was a move in the right direction as it has resulted in a drastic reduction of the disposal of plastic containers in the environment. To…
Preaching to the converted
Workers’ rights, conditions of employment and industrial relations take centre stage this time of the year when social partners, especially trade unions commemorate Workers’ Day. The influx of foreign workers,…
Tapping unions’ potential for training and upskilling
Skills development, in particular Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning, are essential to enhance workers’ capabilities to participate fully in decent work and socio-economic inclusion. Young people and workers…
Greed, respect and traditions
The Holy Week procession in Valletta this year stoked controversy amid a raft of complaints about some entertainment and catering outlets located along the route, which, detracted the solemnity of…
Looking up to the ruling political class
Rosianne Cutajar’s resignation from the Labour Party’s parliamentary group is the latest case whereby our ruling political class has made headlines for the wrong reasons. Her departure - albeit she…
Road works in Malta: a never ending story
In recent years millions have been spent to upgrade the road network to cope with the sharp rise in population. A quick tour around the island is enough to get…
Adequate and Minimum Wage Directive – The way forward
The EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages aims to boost collective bargaining coverage in countries like Malta where this rate is below 80% of the workforce. Though to date there…
Would PBS ever report on PBS?
The UK’s State broadcaster, the BBC was recently in the eye of the storm over the controversial decision to suspend Gary Lineker on the grounds that he breached the stations…
Congestion fees and taxes – a solution or a punishment?
The traffic situation in Malta is a major headache which is resulting in certain parts of the island becoming gridlocked while making life hell for motorists. Faced with this situation…
Getting our money back is the ‘real deal’
In 2015 when the hospital concessions agreement saw the light of day UHM Voice of the Workers sounded the alarm bells. Even in those early days when the union was…