Archive for Ħarġa 439
A one-stop-shop for EU funding information and assistance
One of the benefits of Malta’s accession to the European Union is local entities’ access to EU funding opportunities. Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM) eases the process of obtaining these funds…
Community Worker Scheme not reaching its objective – NAO
A scheme supposedly aimed to facilitate the entry into the labour market of long-term unemployed persons is failing to meet its objectives with less than 10% of the participants finding…
A new mentality for occupational health and safety
Twenty years ago, when Malta’s occupational health and safety watchdog was established, public perception was that this entity would be dealing with occupational hazards associated with the manufacturing industry, manual…
European Parliament declares Russia to be a state sponsor of terrorism
Following the atrocities carried out by Vladimir Putin’s regime against Ukrainian civilians, MEPs have recognised Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. On Wednesday, Parliament adopted a resolution on the…