Archive for Ħarġa 397
FSWS employees with NI contributions missing left waiting
FSWS employees still have NI contributions missing - in this case 2005 and 2006. Around 200 FSWS employees are still with part of their social security contributions missing even though…
One size fails all
The sharp increase in the cost of living triggered by the disruptions caused due to the Covid-19 outbreak has become the talk of the town be it in political circles,…
“Never again”: EP commemorates International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Photo: EP 77 years after the liberation of the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp on 27 January 1945, MEPs honoured the memory of victims of the the ceremony, EP President Roberta…
Financial Capability Drive held between ĠEMMA, CARITAS and HSBC Malta Founation
As part of its outreach programme, ĠEMMA in collaboration with CARITAS and the HSBC Malta Foundation is launching another initiative to continue emphasising the importance of financial capability amongst the…
EU Funds for Vocational Education and Training
Erasmus+ is one of the most comprehensive EU funding programmes available, covering a number of different sectors and projects. The Erasmus+ programme offers funding opportunities in a number of sectors,…