Archive for Ħarġa 333
Workers’ rights and employment – Finding the right balance
This is the theme of an online public discussion organised by MEUSAC and Europe Direct Valletta on November 18, 2020 between 2pm and 3pm. The event is the third in…
Steward employees getting paid up to €6,800 less
Healthcare workers employed by Steward Health Care are missing out on thousands of euros per year, despite doing the same job as their fellow colleagues employed by the Health Ministry.…
Major regional discrepancies in COVID-19 response
EU regions were unevenly hit by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report published on Monday 12th October by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR). The most economically…
Government must act swiftly as the situation is becoming very serious
Viral infection concept. Floating virus. In-numru riċenti ta’ infezzjonijiet mill-coronavirus f’Malta u madwar l-Ewropa huwa serju. Lockdowns parzjali qed ikunu infurzati f’diversi stati membri Ewropej bħal Spanja, l-Olanda, l-Italja u…