Archive for Issue 331
Ix-xogħol siewi tal-UĦM qed jiġi mfixkel fil-Wasteserv
UĦM Voice of the Workers lesta tieħu l-passi kollha li tagħtiha l-liġi biex tiddefendi d-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema tal-Wasteserv u mhu se tħalli lil ħadd ixekkel ix-xogħol li għamlet matul is-snin li…
MEPs spell out their priorities for the Digital Services Act
MEPs’ demands on how digital services, including online platforms and marketplaces, should be regulated were set out in a vote in the Internal Market Committee recently. With the upcoming Digital…
A European Union more accessible to you – A Week of events by MEUSAC
MEUSAC is organising a number of online activities between the 2nd and the 6th of November to promote its services to Maltese and European citizens. MEUSAC’s aim is to inform and increase awareness on how Maltese citizens could benefit more from EU membership, give them the opportunity to voice their opinions on current European issues, advise on where to seek assistance if they would like more information on rights and obligations, benefits and opportunities or complaints as well as on the assistance provided to non-governmental organisations, local councils and government entities on EU funds. The events, which are being addressed to all ages having different interests, consist of: an information session on services related to the European Union in Malta; the activity ktieb-storja about the European Union for 11 year old children; a training session on EU funds; u public discussion on the European Ecological Pact; a discussion amongst post-secondary students on equality; and a discussion with the President of Malta. Participation in all activities will be online, except for those sessions that are addressed to specific groups. In the remaining sessions, participants will be able to not only follow the activity taking place at MEUSAC, but also intervene with their comments. Refer to the week of events and register those activities that you are interested in from MEUSAC’s website on
Taking care of ourselves more during the cold season
Notwithstanding the fact that scientists and medical experts are working round the clock in coronavirus research, the season for colds and flu will soon start, joining COVID-19. The coronavirus is already new territory for science, and the effects of its combination with influenza are equally unknown. There is much speculation about what is to be…
Let us strive to prevent another crisis
As the effects of the pandemic continue the world over and the second wave moves through Europe, we have a choice to make. Will we simply respond to the present…