It’s the peak season of our village feasts, a time when communities come alive in vibrant displays of faith, culture, and unity. Recognized by UNESCO as part of our intangible heritage, these festas are much more than just events; they are the lifeblood of our cultural identity, woven into the very fabric of Maltese society.

Organizing a village feast is no small feat. It involves a massive logistical operation, requiring the coordinated efforts of hundreds of volunteers. From erecting intricate decorations and arranging processions to coordinating bands and ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all attendees, the preparation for these festas is a year-round endeavour. If the responsibility of organizing these events were to be outsourced to a private company, it would be financially unfeasible. The costs would be astronomical, and the authentic, community-driven spirit that defines these celebrations would be lost.

Despite the occasional minor incidents and the presence of a few hot-headed individuals, we must not allow these isolated occurrences to overshadow the true essence of our village feasts. These events are a testament to our collective resilience and dedication, showcasing the best of what our communities have to offer. They are not just celebrations but are integral to fostering a sense of identity and belonging among residents.

This sense of community is particularly evident when looking at certain new parishes, which often lack the deep-rooted traditions of older ones. In areas where the festa is not celebrated, there is a palpable absence of the unity and bonding that these feasts engender. In essence, there is nothing to look forward to during the year. The absence of such unifying events can lead to a fragmented sense of community, highlighting the crucial role that these festas play in our social fabric.

From a religious perspective, village feasts are a time for spiritual reflection and renewal. Despite the secular aspects of the celebrations, the core of the festa remains deeply rooted in faith. Religious functions during these times continue to draw large crowds, including many younger people, demonstrating that the spiritual element of these feasts remains strong and relevant.

As we immerse ourselves in the joys of festa season, let us remember to celebrate in moderation. These feasts are a time to come together, to honour our traditions, and to cherish the sense of community that defines us. Let us not be swayed by the minor disruptions but instead focus on the immense value these celebrations bring to our lives.

May we continue to celebrate our festa season with the reverence and enthusiasm it deserves, preserving this beloved tradition for future generations.