Asylum: MEPs call for more solidarity among EU counties

The 2013 Dublin III Regulation on asylum puts a “disproportionate responsibility on a minority of member states, in particular when high numbers of arrivals occur”, a draft European Parliament resolution has stated.
Consequently, there should be a solidarity-based mechanism to ensure the fundamental right to asylum in the EU and the equal distribution of responsibility among member states.
The call was made in a draft resolution approved by the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee.
It noted that the inappropriate application of the hierarchy of criteria – in particular the excessive use of the first country of entry criterion – and the ineffective implementation of transfers increase pressure on certain countries, namely Greece, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, and Spain.
MEPs also expressed regret that Council, contrary to Parliament, did not adopt a position on the 2016 proposal to reform the Dublin Regulation, thereby blocking that reform and leaving the Union with the “same set of rules which have proven to be ineffective” in managing high numbers of arrivals.
They insisted that ad hoc agreements on relocation cannot replace a harmonized and sustainable Common European and Asylum System and demand more resources and capabilities for frontline member states as long as the Dublin rules are not reformed.
The non-legislative text was approved with 45 votes to 10 and 13 abstentions. It will be put to the vote by the full House during the next plenary session later this month.