Archive for EP News
Euro 7: Deal on new EU rules to reduce road transport emissions
Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on new rules to reduce road transport emissions for passenger cars, vans, buses, trucks and trailers. The regulation for the type-approval and market…
MEPs propose lead candidate system rules ahead of European elections
Parliament adopted its proposals to strengthen the democratic dimension of the 2024 elections, and for the lead candidate system. The report, which received 365 votes for, 178 against, and 71…
Road safety: ending impunity for non-resident drivers
To make Europe’s roads safer Transport MEPs want driving disqualification decisions to apply in all EU member states and for more offences to trigger cross-border investigation. The Transport and Tourism…
Anti-SLAPP: MEPs reach deal with member states to defend critical voices
The rules aim to ensure the EU-wide protection of journalists, media organisations, activists, academics, artists and researchers against unfounded and abusive legal proceedings. The new law will apply in cross-border…
New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them
Parliament adopted its negotiating position on new measures to strengthen the right to repair and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. On Tuesday, Parliament adopted its position on a…
Child sexual abuse online: effective measures, no mass surveillance
The Civil Liberties Committee adopted its position on new measures to protect children online by preventing and stopping child sexual ; To protect children online, the new rules would mandate…
MEPs clear way for new EU revenue, call on EU countries to swiftly follow suit
Parliament paved the way for introducing the next generation of “own resources”, sources of revenue for the EU budget. With 399 votes in favour, 138 against and 61 abstentions, Parliament…
New EU rules needed to make digital platforms less addictive
The Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee adopted a draft report (with 38 votes in favour, none against and 1 abstention) warning of the addictive nature of certain digital services,…
Right to repair: incentives for consumers to repair rather than replace
The Internal Market Committee adopted its position on new measures to strengthen the right to repair and promote sustainable consumption. The Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee adopted its position…
A long-term solution for Ukraine’s funding needs
Parliament improved and endorsed a proposal for a €50 billion facility to support Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction and modernisation from 2024. Parliament’s stance on the proposed Ukraine Facility was adopted with 512 votes…