Archive for EP News
Recycled bottles are now a work of art at Ta’ Pinu
4,000 single-use plastic drinks bottles have been remolded into a massive art installation on the Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary grounds in Għarb, Gozo. The installation depicting Christ was created by Maltese…
Proposal for creation of EU-wide framework on working conditions and minimum standards for artists.
The Culture and Education Committee has approved a resolution which calls on the Commission to propose a “European Status of the Artist”, setting out a common framework for working conditions…
Fair and equal social protection for riders, drivers and other platform workers
MEPs are demanding that people working for digital labour platforms, such as food delivery services, should have the same rights as traditional employees. Platform workers are often misclassified as self-employed,…
EP survey: EU recovery funds should only go to countries respecting Rule of Law
A Eurobarometer survey published by the European Parliament shows clear public support for transparency and effective control of EU funds disbursed in the framework of the NextGenerationEU programme. According to…
Conference on the Future of Europe: European Citizens’ Panels set to start
The European Citizens’ Panels will kick off their deliberations with the first 200-citizen meeting between 17 and 19 September in Strasbourg. The first sessions of all four Panels will take…
Afghanistan: provide humanitarian help to locals, MEPs urge
Europe must provide humanitarian aid, and reach unity on handling migration, according to MEPs speaking at an extraordinary meeting in the aftermath of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. Speaking at…
Afghanistan: MEPs demand safe departure of EU nationals and Afghan partners and urgent tackling of humanitarian crisis
After the dramatic developments of the last days and hours, leading MEPs issued the following statement. “We deeply deplore the recent political, military and moral calamity in Afghanistan and express…
Independent Ethics Body: improving transparency and integrity in EU institutions
A new EU Ethics Body will be able to initiate investigations on possible conflicts of interest or “revolving door” cases for Commissioners, MEPs and staff. In a report endorsed by…
New rules to boost data sharing across the EU
MEPs adopted rules to facilitate making more data available to help create new products and innovation, in particular in Artificial Intelligence. The Industry, Research and Energy Committee adopted its position…
Conference on the Future of Europe: greater say for regions and social partners
The Executive Board agreed to allocate more seats in the Conference Plenary to regional and local elected representatives, as well as to social partners. The sixth meeting of the Conference’s…