Archive for EP News
Poland-Belarus border: MEPs alarmed by humanitarian and political crisis
The EU must stand united in its response to the Belarusian regime’s inhuman instrumentalisation of migrants, MEPs said in a debate on Wednesday. In a plenary debate with EU Foreign…
Id-Dar tal-Providenza honoured awarded the 2021 European Citizen’s Prize for Malta
“Id-Dar tal-Providenza and its project ‘Monument of Mercy’ proved to all the European Institutions what we Maltese were already privileged to know,” said MEP Alex Agius Saliba (S&D, MT) who…
MEPs oppose “breakaway competitions” and call for values-based EU sports model
The EU should become more involved with Europe’s sporting landscape to encourage a fairer model that aligns with EU values of inclusiveness and fairness. In a report adopted by the…
Alexei Navalny awarded the European Parliament’s 2021 Sakharov Prize
MEPs have awarded Russian opposition politician and anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny the European Parliament’s 2021 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. Parliament Vice-President Heidi Hautala announced the 2021 laureate in the Strasbourg…
European Youth Event 2021: proposals for the future of Europe
Recycling, multilingualism, the rule of law and a push for a Federal Europe were among the main ideas by the 10,000 young participants. The European Youth Event (EYE2021) took place…
Recycled bottles are now a work of art at Ta’ Pinu
4,000 single-use plastic drinks bottles have been remolded into a massive art installation on the Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary grounds in Għarb, Gozo. The installation depicting Christ was created by Maltese…
Proposal for creation of EU-wide framework on working conditions and minimum standards for artists.
The Culture and Education Committee has approved a resolution which calls on the Commission to propose a “European Status of the Artist”, setting out a common framework for working conditions…
Fair and equal social protection for riders, drivers and other platform workers
MEPs are demanding that people working for digital labour platforms, such as food delivery services, should have the same rights as traditional employees. Platform workers are often misclassified as self-employed,…
EP survey: EU recovery funds should only go to countries respecting Rule of Law
A Eurobarometer survey published by the European Parliament shows clear public support for transparency and effective control of EU funds disbursed in the framework of the NextGenerationEU programme. According to…
Conference on the Future of Europe: European Citizens’ Panels set to start
The European Citizens’ Panels will kick off their deliberations with the first 200-citizen meeting between 17 and 19 September in Strasbourg. The first sessions of all four Panels will take…