Archive for Editorial
The party is over
For the first time since the establishment of the two-party parliamentary system, Malta is heading to a general election with the two opposing blocs headed by a new leader. The…
Oliver, please, can we have some more?
Remarks made by Labour MP Oliver Scicluna who expressed his disgust on the rife clientelism in the Maltese political system opened a can of worms. Barely a year into his…
The year of the booster?
Last year, the word “vaccine” topped the list of the most searched words on the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Unsurprisingly, in 2020 the word of the year was “pandemic”. So, what…
They came, they saw, they conquered…and left
“Impotent, ill-preparedness, grave concern, multiple failures, poor choice, flawed concession” – these are some of the terms used by the Auditor General to describe the concession through which the government…
Happy Christmas, enjoy your holidays
The idea of eliminating the word Christmas so as not to “offend” anybody who does not believe in God and the Messiah is arguably the daftest proposal ever presented by…
Adapt or go extinct
It is an open secret that trade union membership globally has been in decline for some time. While one could argue that this is a sign of an individualistic society…
The state of the Union and the road ahead
It was in 1966 when a group of civil servants decided to join forces and form a union which nowadays is known as UHM Voice of the Workers. The ultimate…
A stab in the back or a step forward?
The cannabis bill reform being piloted by the government is rushed and has only contributed to raise more questions rather than give answers. The discussion so far has been characterised…
100 years of parliamentary democracy
The House of Representatives recently marked 100 years of parliamentary democracy. It was on Tuesday November 1, 1921 when Edward, Prince of Wales and heir to the British throne presided…
Wasteserv outsourcing all of its core operations
Practice does not bode well for workers’ conditions A total of 348 of the 368 employees recruited by Wasterserv since 2018 have been engaged through a contractor even though they…