The European Union places strong importance on equitable social policy, seeking to ensure that workers are treated fairly and humanely across all economic sectors. The concepts of work-life balance and gender equality are essential in ensuring this fair treatment, and both go a long way in improving the lives of workers in different ways.
As part of the European Pillar of Social Rights, aimed at supporting labour markets, the Work- Life Balance Initiative seeks to address work-life balance challenges faced by working parents and carers. It seeks to encourage a better sharing of caring responsibilities between men and women, through initiatives such as the introduction of paternity leave and carers’ leave.
These initiatives are also essential in promoting gender balance and equality across the board, by encouraging a better sharing of caring responsibilities between women and men, lightening the load faced by many women.
Additionally, the European Commission is working towards equal access to the labour market through the Gender Equality Strategy. Pay transparency is one proposal which looks to ensure that women and men are paid equally for work of the same value.