As Europe starts to venture into a slow recovery process after the COVID-19 pandemic, work within EU institutions continues, as Germany officially took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, from July 1 to the end of December of this year. The presidency allows for the presiding Member State to guide the agenda of the Council and establish it as a leader in tackling various policy areas. 

One of the most important priorities which could be developed further in the coming months is the idea of a European minimum wage, which was outlined in the priorities of the new European Commission. Germany is also looking to prioritise this, particularly to develop an EU framework for national minimum income protection systems, an EU framework for minimum wages and strengthening the role played by social partners. 

Such a framework is even more important than ever during an economic recovery period, as it allows for Member States to have clear guidelines on how minimum wages should be calculated, while also helping workers to ensure they are being paid in a just and fair manner. 

For more information on the German Presidency’s programme, please click here.